Ultimate Guide to Heroic Anthem (KvK 6)

 Everything you want to know regarding the new KvK mode in Rise of Kingdoms, Heroic Anthem – Season of Conquest.

kvk heroic anthem

Quick Heroic Anthem Summary

  • Players must have City Hall level 25 to join the Heroic Anthem
  • Timeline: Registration: 3 days (automatically) → Matchmaking: 4 days → Preparation: 3 days
  • Pre-KvK Events: Same stages & duration.
  • 10 kingdoms joining the KvK. There is no information regarding the kingdoms of each camp.
  • You will need to clear the fog at the start, just like when we first started playing the game. The fog is individual and offers rewards.
  • Coalition = Alliance; Camp = kingdom in terms of rewards and scores.
    crystal mine Heroic Anthem
  • 2 new buildings: Crystal mine + Crystal Research Centre. Upgrading them costs crystal.
  • It costs resources and time to produce crystals (like producing materials).
  • You can also get crystals by completing different types of quests. Doing quests costs you a lot of AP so ensure you are saving AP!
    crystal mine Heroic Anthem 2j
  • There is no Kingdom research. Only the new individual research available.
  • The new researches cost crystals + time. These researches offer huge buffs such as +20% damage dealt to all troops, +20 basic stats, +100% AP regeneration), etc.
    heroic anthem new researches
  • Researching gives Season coins, which can be spent in the shop. It’s recommended to work on researches that give boosts to crystal farming. It’s the time to spend all of the speedups you have been hoarding!
    doing research in Heroic Anthem
  • Farming Barbarians costs 100 AP in this new KvK but offers a lot of great rewards:
    Heroic Anthem barbarians
  • Players can’t choose camps or kingdoms to be allied with. Alliance leaders need to create/join a coalition.
  • No coalition = no rewards from a bunch of things. All the coalitions receive rewards from some structure taken. Coalition works like a big alliance with people of all kingdoms of the same camp, anyone in the same coalition can join rallies of each other, help each other speeding up the processes, etc.
  • The bastions are fixed on the map and alliance territory needs to touch them to activate the quests and get crystals as well as level up the bastion.
    Heroic Anthem bastions
  • When you get the Bastion to level 6, you can unlock the support skills.
  • These skills are correlated to 14 Epic commanders in Rise of Kingdoms. If your corresponding commander skills are not maxed yet, you will not get a lot of benefits from this.
    support skills
  • The support skills can be added to the commander panel:
    new commander support skills
  • Ruins are in the middle of the camp. Same rules, open for 1h each 39h, and only one alliance can control.

How to get more Crystals?

  • Build up the Crystal Mine
  • Doing Bastion quests
  • Summon Kakar near your city and defeat him (similar to Lohar).

kahar Rise of Kingdoms

Information shared by LadyR.

KvK Heroic Anthem Map

Heroic Anthem Map


List of EventsTimeUnlockable
Eve of the Crusade9 days
First Step (Instant)1 dayCrusader Camp
Eye for an Eye2 daysCrusader Fortress
Turf War2 daysRuins
Retribution1 dayBarbarian Fort 11
Revenge2 daysPass 4
Storm Clouds2 daysSanctuary
Pilgrimage2 daysBarbarian Fort12
Strife and Conflict2 days+1 to Coalition
Hand in Hand2 daysPass 5
Pushing Forward1 day
Siege the Land2 daysPass 6
Access Granted1 dayAlter of Darkness
Sacrificial Offering1 dayBarbarian Fort 13
Drums of Wars2 days+1 to Coalition
Hall of Unity2 daysCircle
Indomitable Contender2 daysBarbarian Fort 14
Clarity in Hindsight2 daysClears all fog
Brink of Annihilation2 daysPass 7
Arrows Nocked1 day
Wolves and Lambs2 daysPass 8
Siege2 days
Proven in Battle2 daysBarbarian Fort 15
Suppression2 daysGreat Ziggurat
In my name3 daysPass 5 (Open)
The long road to Glory
Total AggressionPass 4 (Open)
Ruler’s GloryGo home

Crystal Mine & Bundles

Crystal Farming

In Heroic Anthem KvK, crystal plays a super crucial part for both F2P & P2W players. This is the main currency for researching the new tech system, available specifically for this KvK.

There are different ways to obtain Crystals: Pre-KvK Rewards, Crystal Mine, Alliance Storehouse, Bastion Quests, bundles, and Kahar’s bone necklace.

Crystal Farming

Crystal Mines
Crystal Mine – The new Structure

You want to get your Crystal Mine to level 15 asap, which basically gives the x2 income comparing to level 1. It takes about 10 days to get it to level 15 without using titles, runes, buffs, etc. Thus, you want to have 30+ days of speedups saved up for this KvK.

Alliance Storehouse

Just like its name, get into a big Alliance + Coalition gives you a better way to earn Crystal passively.

Bastion Quests:

This is a long section so please scroll down for more details.

Basically, you will be given a series of missions that you need to complete to get Crystals. The higher level the Basion is, the more rewards you get.

kahar Rise of Kingdoms

Kahar’s Bone

The Kahar’s Bone gives a huge amount of crystals for all players. There are also some certain techs in the new Academy that increases the amount of Crystals you can get from defeating Kahar’s Bone.

However, you will eventually be forced to get those techs leveled up for unlocking the better techs, so it’s ideal to wait until you have them up before using the Kahar’s Bone.


If you are a low spender, consider spending $5-35 for the best bang for your buck!

  • Supply Depot: Available when the Heroic Anthem is running. This costs $5 and is the best KvK bundle so far!
  • Pop-up Bundle: This shows up for only 1 hour when your Crystal Mine or new Academy hits level 15, 20, 22 and costs $5, $10, $20 each.

Heroic Anthem Bundles

Bastion: Quest & Favor

Bastion is one big thing about this KyK and it can be very crucial for both F2P and P2W alike to level it up before the war starts.

To explain it in simple terms, there are 3 ways to go at it: Bastion Skills, Bastion Quest, and Bastion Favor.

Bastion Skills:

Each LK (Lost Kingdom) has 14 available bastions and it is different for each kingdom.


  1. The Passive skills are based on your commander level.
  2. Skills of legendary are based on commander up to KvK-2 and all available epics.
  3. Each time an army is sent out you’ll need to add the passive skills to it.
  4. If you pick a passive skill for march 1, you can’t add that passive for march 2.

Bastion Quests:

Note the list is still being updated!

  1. Earn 50 points by defeating barbarians.
  2. Gather “X” amount of food/wood/stone/gold only 1 type.
  3. Start 2 challenge in lost Canyon.
  4. Complete 5 alliance technology donation.
  5. Use a total of 600 minutes worth of speedups on research/building/training.
  6. Donate “X” amount of food/wood/stone/gold to bastion.
  7. Donate 30 pieces of normal equipment material (specific type).
  8. Donate 3 pieces of advanced equipment material (specific type).
  9. Earn 140,000 points from training troops. 10. Defeat Karen (Kahar).

Quest 3, 5, 9 is where people get stuck. Quest 5 is terrible for f2p/low spender due to lacking buildings to upgrade.

Bastion Favor

Way of the warrior comes with the bundle you seek:

  • F2p/Low Spender: Evenly level up each bastion for faster crystal production.
  • Mid Spender: Focus 1 bastion for the passive commander skill and then evenly level up the bastion.
  • High Spender: Focus Bastion level 7 to get the necessary commander passive skill for the war.

F2p/Low Spender: 0-35$, Mid Spender 100$. High Spender 400$ (Monthly based on USD)!

Heroic Anthem Registration Rules

1. Kingdoms can unite as one to choose their Story. Once the king of a kingdom has chosen and registered, all governors of that kingdom will be considered registered.

2. After the registration period, kingdoms cannot change their Story. Kingdoms in the same Story will be matched up according to event regulations.

3. Multiple camps will be placed in the same Story. Camps may be comprised of multiple kingdoms.

4. Kingdoms who did not participate 3 times in a row be automatically registered to a random Story during the next registration period.

heroic anthem banner

Heroic Anthem Rules

Following the footsteps of our ancestors, we set out on a mysterious journey. Do the great generals stationed here share our dreams and beliefs? With their favor, we can work together to restore our glory and compose the anthem of a new era!

If you can visit commanders and gain their Favor, your troops will be able to use additional support skills from the corresponding commanders.



After the season has started, the map will be covered in fog. Governors must send scouts out to explore and clear the fog to truly understand the terrain.


While clearing fog, scouts may come upon bastions. A commander and their troops are stationed at each garrison. This season, there are a total of 14 commanders waiting for governors to discover them.


Complete quests given by commanders to increase their Favor, along with crystal mine work speed. At high enough Favor levels, your troops can use one of the commander’s abilities as a support skill.
Support Skills

Support Skills

Each troop can use an additional two support skills, whose levels will be based on your corresponding commander. If you do not yet have that commander, you cannot use that skill.

special content banner

Special Content

In the “Heroic Anthem” Story, governors will experience brand-new content.

Crystal Mines

After the season has begun, governors can build a new structure in their cities: crystal mines.

Working the Mines

You can ‘Work’ in the crystal mines to get crystals. Working the mines costs food, wood, stone, and gold.


Upgrading the crystal mine will increase the maximum amount of work which can be ordered. At the same time, completing quests given by commanders will increase the work speed.


The crystals which can be mined here are a precious resource. Governors can use them to open up a whole new frontier of research.

Resource Protection

During the season, crystals cannot be plundered by attackers or sent as aid.


Crystals will be removed once the season is over. Crystal mines, the crystal research center, and any the effects of any research completed therein will be reset and removed.

coalition system banner

Coalition System

During the “Heroic Anthem” Story, governors will rally their strength and do battle together.

Join Coalition

Join Coalition

Governors can join a coalition along with their alliance (coalitions are created by alliance leaders). Alliances must be of the same camp to join the same coalition.
Coalition Features

Coalition Features

Governors in the same coalition can join each others’ rallies and garrisons, reinforce and repair each others buildings, grant alliance help, etc.


After the KvK “Past Glory” event is over, coalition members can teleport to any member alliance’s territory.
Reward Sharing

Reward Sharing

All coalition members will receive first occupation rewards for holy sites and passes.


All coalition members will receive boost effects from holy sites and passes, and passes will be open to all member alliances.
Building Occupation

Building Occupation

All coalition members will share the occupation bonuses from altars of darkness and ancient ruins.

After the season ends, coalitions will automatically disband. Say your goodbyes, and prepare for a reunion in the future!

reward system

Rewards System

During the “Heroic Anthem” Story, governors can exchange season coins and conquest coins for a wide variety of prizes.

Season Coins

Season Coins

Complete research projects in the crystal research center to earn season coins.
Conquest Coins

Conquest Coins

Complete enough Crusader Achievements to earn conquest coins.
Saved Coins

Saved Coins

Unused season coins and conquest coins will automatically be saved for next season.

camp system

Camp System

In the “Heroic Anthem” Story, governors and their kingdoms will be grouped into different camps. Each camp must contain at least 1 kingdom. In order to guarantee balanced camps, the power of all kingdoms in each camp will be counted by the system, and these calculations will be used to arrange fair matchmaking.

Fire Camp

Fire Camp

Warriors, honoring their ancestors’ covenant, answer the king’s call. Gathering at the flame altar, they swear allegiance to the ancestors and the flame. They shall be a raging, inextinguishable fire.
Earth Camp

Earth Camp

Pious warriors rallied to their kings at the earth altar, kissing the sacred land in an oath to restore their ancestors’ honor. Their knowledge of the land allows them to march effortlessly.
Wind Camp

Wind Camp

Kings lead their warriors toward the sanctum in the eye of the storm. Only those who pass the trials of the winds are worthy allies. For those that do, the blessings of the wind are well worth it.
Water Camp

Water Camp

On the orders of their kings, the warriors gathered at the surge altar. Dreaming of huge waves each night, they are as relentless and unending as the sea itself.

Support Skills

This journey is dangerous and unpredictable. Fortunately, the great commanders favor our cause. With their favor, we can work together to overcome obstacles and find greater glory.

  • When scouts explore the fog, they have a chance to find Commanders Bastions.
  • Bastions cannot be occupied. When your coalition’s territory adjoins a Bastion, governors can accept quests from the Bastion’s commander.
  • Completing quests given by Bastion commanders will increase your Favor with them. When Favor with a commander reaches level 6, one of that commander’s skills will be unlocked, and can be used by your troops as a support skill.
  • The level of support skills for each governor will be the same as the level of that skill on their own corresponding commander (if a governor has not yet recruited the commander in question, they will be unable to use that support skill).
  • Each troop can equip up to 2 support skills from Bastion commanders.
  • Each support skill can only be equipped by one troop at a time.
  • Every time a Story begins, available Bastion commanders and support skills will be completely different
  • Support skills will trigger normally regardless of which commander’s troops have equipped them.

Hall of Heroes

During the Season of Conquest, a set ratio of part of the total troops killed will be returned to their governors.

  • During the Season of Conquest, a record of each governor’s troops killed in PVP battles will be kept in the Hall of Heroes.
  • After the season ends, 50% of all dead troops recorded in the Hall of Heroes will be resurrected.
  • This return ratio is fixed, and cannot be increased.
  • The hall of Heroes will record the type and level of all troops killed. When dead special units are returned, they will be returned in a form determined according to each governor’s civilization at the end of the season.
  • If any governors immigrate before the season is over, a set ratio of troops killed recorded in the Hall of Heroes will be returned via mail.

Honor Roll

The Honor system remains as in the previous KVK, we earn Honor points by defeating barbarian units, forts, and completely gather a Resource Point.

This time: Individual, Coalition, and Camp (The following actions must be completed within the Lost Kingdoms to earn honor points)

Continual occupation of Ancient Ruins / Altar of Darkness

Defeat a Level 41-45 barbarian patrol10 Honor Points
Defeat a Level 46-50 barbarian patrol16 Honor Points
Defeat a Level 51-55 barbarian patrol20 Honor Points
Gather and deplete a Resource Point3 Honor Points
Destroy a Level 11 barbarian fort30 Honor Points
Destroy a Level 12 barbarian fort45 Honor Points
Destroy a Level 13 barbarian fort46 Honor Points
Destroy a Level 14 barbarian fort80 Honor Points
Destroy a Level 15 barbarian fort100 Honor Points

Heroic Anthem Rewards

The rewards in this new KVK have changed and are obtained in the same way as in previous KVK.

Individual Rewards

Get into the Top 1000 to earn great rewards and claim them via mail! The higher your rank, the better the rewards!

Rank 1 x1  x40  x15  x20  x400  x400
Rank 2 x1  x20  x10  x15  x300  x300
Rank 3 x1  x15  x8  x10  x250  x250
Rank 4-10 x1  x10  x4  x5  x200  x200
Rank 11-20 x1  x5  x1  x3  x100  x100
Rank 21-50 x5  x3  x50  x50  x50
Rank 51-100 x3  x2  x20  x20  x30
Rank 101-300 x2  x1  x10  x10  x20
Rank 301-1000 x1  x5  x5  x10

Coalition Rewards

Get into the Top 20 coalition to earn great rewards! The higher your coalition’s rank the better the rewards. Rewards will be sent via in-game mail after the Lost Kingdom event ends.

Rank 1 x7  x25  x25  x25  x50
Rank 2 x4  x20  x20  x20  x40
Rank 3 x3  x15  x15  x15  x30
Rank 4-10 x2  x10  x10  x10  x20
Rank 11-20 x1  x5  x5  x5  x10


All camps can earn great rewards! The higher your camp’s rank, the better the rewards. Rewards Will be sent via in-game mail after the Lost Kingdom event ends.

Rank 1 x10  x10  x15  x15  x15
Rank 2 x3  x3  x8  x8  x8
Rank 3 x2  x2  x5  x5  x5
Rank 4 x1  x1  x4  x4  x4

Crusader Achievements

The “Crusader Achievements” are kept in the same format as the new KvK, Individual, Coalition and Camp, these have a certain number of missions as in previous formats, however, many of these have been modified in their entirety, both in rewards as in goals.

Lost Kingdom Chronicles

List of EventsTimeUnlockable
Eve of the Crusade9 days
First Step (Instant)1 dayCrusader Camp
Eye for an Eye2 daysCrusader Fortress
Turf War2 daysRuins
Retribution1 dayBarbarian Fort 11
Revenge2 daysPass 4
Storm Clouds2 daysSanctuary
Pilgrimage2 daysBarbarian Fort12
Strife and Conflict2 days+1 to Coalition
Hand in Hand2 daysPass 5
Pushing Forward1 day
Siege the Land2 daysPass 6
Access Granted1 dayAlter of Darkness
Sacrificial Offering1 dayBarbarian Fort 13
Drums of Wars2 days+1 to Coalition
Hall of Unity2 daysCircle
Indomitable Contender2 daysBarbarian Fort 14
Clarity in Hindsight2 daysClears all fog
Brink of Annihilation2 daysPass 7
Arrows Nocked1 day
Wolves and Lambs2 daysPass 8
Siege2 days
Proven in Battle2 daysBarbarian Fort 15
Suppression2 daysGreat Ziggurat
In my name3 daysPass 5 (Open)
The long road to Glory
Total AggressionPass 4 (Open)
Ruler’s GloryGo home

The KVK chronicles are kept as a way to obtain rewards for general and individual achievements of all participating players within “Lost Kingdoms“. At the same time, these rewards have mostly been modified compared to previous KVK, this time we have “Equipment Materials Choice Chest” in many of the achievements.

Heroic Anthem Shop

Season Shop

Exchange Season Coins and Conquest Coins here for great prizes.

Season Coins Season Coins: Earned by completing research in the crystal research center.

Conquest Coins Conquest Coins: Earned by completing enough Crusader Achievements.

ItemQuantity AvailableCost
25Season Coins 10 000
10Season Coins 12 000
1Season Coins 650 000
1Season Coins 650 000
1Season Coins 650 000
1Season Coins 650 000
1Season Coins 180 000
1Season Coins 180 000
1Season Coins 180 000
1Season Coins 180 000
1Season Coins 180 000
1Season Coins 180 000
1Season Coins 180 000
1Season Coins 150 000
1Season Coins 80 000
1Season Coins 50 000
1Season Coins 20 000
1Conquest Coins 6
1Conquest Coins 2
1Conquest Coins 2
1Conquest Coins 2
1Conquest Coins 2
1Conquest Coins 2
1Conquest Coins 2

All Heroic Anthem Bundles

Rise of Kingdoms Heroic Anthem Bundles

Heroic Anthem First Look Rewards New KvK. IS IT BETTER? | Rise of Kingdoms



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